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Chinese Anti-epidemic Medical Expert Team and the Palestinian Medical Complex Signs a Telemedicine Cooperation Framework Agreement
2020-07-02 01:36

On June 16, Hu Peng, head of Chinese anti-epidemic medical expert team to Palestine, on behalf of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, signed the Framework Agreement on Telemedicine Cooperation with Ahmad Hamayel Bitawi, executive chairman of the Palestinian Ministry of Health Medical Complex. Guo Wei, Head of the Office of the People's Republic of China to the State of Palestine, and Mai al-Kaila, Minister of Health of Palestine, witnessed the signing ceremony.

The agreement includes in-depth exchange of experience in Covid-19 prevention and control, medical treatment, laboratory testing and epidemiological investigation; collaboration in telemedicine, discussion of multidisciplinary MDT difficult medical records, and enhancement of medical technology; implementation of telemedicine education and training to promote academic and scientific research exchanges and cooperation; and the construction of Internet hospitals and smart hospitals to improve patients' medical experience.

The Palestinian health Minister said that the establishment of a long-term cooperation mechanism with China is a highlight of the outcomes of the visit of the Chinese medical experts to Palestine, which will help strengthen bilateral exchanges and communication in the medical and health field and improve the overall medical level of Palestine.